Our holiday offers in Scena near Merano

Offers cannot be combined with any other discounts and usable only for reservations on this website.

A heartfelt THANK YOU for a special person

Special Summer

A small gesture often says more than a thousand words.

Do you have someone who has done a great job and you just want to say “thank you”?

Surprise this special person with

  • a bottle of Prosecco or wine in the room,
  • a small cake at the breakfast table or in the room,
  • a bouquet of favorite flowers at the breakfast table or in the room 
  • a voucher for a day trip, e.g. to Lake Garda or the Dolomites or
  • a very personal gift.

Something that comes from the heart.


Request Call now: +39 320 4655518


Spring near Merano

Spring at Schenna

12.04. - 17.04.2025

Colorful flowers bloom in countless corners and beds and bring a smile to your face after the long winter.  

Blossom-time in Schenna

Offer: Blossom-time

Flowering time: Approximately mid to late April​

Discover the different blossom phases of the apple trees in South Tyrol and be enchanted by the splendor of their flowers!

Schenna in bloom at Garni Eden B&B Schenna

Die Gärten von Schloss Trauttmansdorff©

12.04.2025 - 24.05.2025

Great events in the castles of Scena/Schenna, markets and gourmet weeks await you!

Best priceguarantee

We look forward to seeing you!
